Yearly Archives: 2017


At kaste perler for svin

Literally it means: To throw pearls at pigs Explanation: When you do something nice for someone or give something nice to someone and they don't appreciate it. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | October 25th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At kaste perler for svin

At tabe tråden

Literally it means: To loose/drop the thread Explanation: When you are in the middle of explaining something and suddenly have forgotten what you had planned to say next. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | October 25th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At tabe tråden

At tage nogen ved næsen

Literally it means: To grap somebody by the nose Explanation: To cheat somebody. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | October 25th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At tage nogen ved næsen

Han har en kæp i øret!

Literally it means: He has a stick in the ear! Explanation: He is drunk. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | October 25th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on Han har en kæp i øret!

At føle sig som en fisk i vandet!

Literally it means: To feel like a fish in the water! Explanation: When you are in an environment or situation, where it really works for you, when you really feel good. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | October 25th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At føle sig som en fisk i vandet!

Det vil jeg blæse på

Literally it means: I will blow at that Explanation: I don't is not important. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | May 31st, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on Det vil jeg blæse på

At have et skelet i skabet

Literally it means: To have a skeleton in the closet Explanation: When you have something unpleasant in your past that you are trying to forget or trying to hide. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | May 31st, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At have et skelet i skabet

At have en lille fjer på

Literally it means: To wear a little feather Explanation: Could be said about a person who has been drinking a little alcohol. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | May 31st, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At have en lille fjer på

Alle veje fører til Rom

Literally it means: All roads lead to Rome Explanation: The same result can be achieved in many ways. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | May 31st, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on Alle veje fører til Rom

En heldig kartoffel

Literally it means: A lucky potato Explanation: A lucky person. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | May 31st, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on En heldig kartoffel