Monthly Archives: April 2017


At have en selektiv hukommelse

Literally it means: To have a selective memory Explanation: When a person chooses to "forget" stuff, like things that are not so fun (washing up, doing homework etc.) Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | April 17th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At have en selektiv hukommelse

At hænge i bremsen

Literally it means: To lean on or hang onto the brake Explanation: Can be said about a person who talks more than he acts, never seems to get the things done. Also used if you just have an off-day, where you lack energi maybe because of headache or the like. Want to learn Danish? Meet [...]

By | April 17th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At hænge i bremsen

En blind passager

Literally it means: A blind passenger Explanation: Here it is not the passenger that is blind, but the personnel on e.g. a ship or a train, that doesn't see the passenger. In other words the passenger is hiding himself in order to avoid paying for the trip. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or [...]

By | April 17th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on En blind passager

En fjer kan blive til fem høns

Literally it means: A feather can evolve to five hens Explanation: When a rumor goes from mouth to mouth it often evolves and the story gets worse and worse. Based on a fairytale by the famous, Danish writer H.C. Andersen, "Det er ganske vist!" Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and [...]

By | April 17th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on En fjer kan blive til fem høns

En storm i et glas vand

Literally it means: A storm in a glass of water Explanation: When making a big fuzz out of a minor detail. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | April 17th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on En storm i et glas vand

Han er en svamp

Literally it means: He is a sponge Explanation: Rather evil slang expression used to describe a person that has a tendency to drink a lot of alcohol. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | April 17th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on Han er en svamp

At tabe ansigt

Literally it means: To loose the face Explanation: To loose the respect other people have for you. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | April 11th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At tabe ansigt

Han er under tøflen

Literally it means: He is under the slipper Explanation: Is often said about the male in a relationship where it is the female that is the dominating person and she that makes the descissions. Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | April 11th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on Han er under tøflen

At sluge en kamel

Literally it means: To swallow a camel Explanation: To admit that you are wrong, even though you have clearly stated that you were absolutely sure, that you were right! Want to learn Danish? Meet your Danish teacher Or click here and book your first trial lesson!

By | April 11th, 2017|Todays expression|Comments Off on At sluge en kamel